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ABCCA is dedicated to fully understand the investment priorities and focusing on social enterprises that promote education, health and economic development to the communities by supporting children and families grow with their full potential.​

We support vulnerable children and families through education sponsorship programs and medical assistance.


Quality  education  is  a  powerful  tool  that  can  transform the lives of Children in the society,  by  inserting positive  moral and cultural values, a child can improve his or her intellectual and ideological   principles that will help them towards steering the country into social - economic  growth  and  development.  




Through community support groups, ABCCA identifies and supports critically affected households with improved farm inputs and extension services in modern farming techniques, promotion of recommended nutritional practices using locally available resources to improve their food security and nutritional status.

We take children to be more successful when they are raised in economically stable homes and communities that are secure with food.


ABCCA addresses malnutrition and food insecurity by focusing on influencing adoption of new behaviors and technologies that promote household food security.


ABCCA facilitates nutritional education to caregivers that involve promoting optimal infant feeding practices and improved WASH practices within households.


Under-nutrition continues to be a significant underlying cause of death among children under-five in Uganda. Children are unlikely to reach their full potential due to poor nutrition whereas well-nourished children are better equipped to fight disease, learn and contribute to society.

Food and nutrition security of the communities in Eastern Uganda where ABCCA is located remains a challenge, partly attributed to climate change and families taking up sugar cane growing which reduces food production.



Aim Born Champions Children Africa has much strong believes that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty within the community especially in the rural societies. With high dropout rates and a lack of quality standards within schools in Uganda, ABCCA offers sponsorships to children in the communities to get quality educational in good and favorable institutes that go beyond the national curriculum in order to raise the future generations of empowered leaders.


Kindergarten/ Nursery

3 Years (Baby, Middle and Top Classes)
Children who are not mandatory to attend Primary School.


7 Years (P.1 – P.7)
Ages 6 – 1
Primary Leaving Exam ^(

Lower Secondary

4 Years (S.1 – S.4)
Ages 13 –
Uganda Certificate of E
ducation (UCE)
^(i.e. O-Level Exam)^

Upper Secondary

2 Years (S.5 – S.6)
Ages 17 – 18
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Ed
ucation (UACE)
^(i.e. A-Level Exam)^

A Child to Progress from Primary Level of Education through Upper Secondary Level of Education depends on performance in his/her examinations.

AGES (3 - 12)


Our ABCCA education team is committed to seeing the children develop into strong champions who will drive the future development of their country. Expanding off of the Ugandan curriculum, the schools we partner with strive to offer a holistic learning experience focused on leadership, creative thinking, literacy, and practical life skills.


Additionally, the children partake in many extracurricular activities that include soccer, volleyball, netball, track and field, arts and crafts, music, dance, drama, and agriculture.

We provide high quality educational standards to our children, exceptional living conditions and most importantly, our emphasis is on being a Christ-centered loving home to all our children.


AGES (13 - 18)

ABCCA Creates leadership and character building, as well as pushes creative thinking and literacy to the next level. In addition to the core curriculum, our sponsored students take courses in trade skills such as plumbing, construction, electrical, and tailoring. As a result, these young adults are being equipped mentally and physically for the next chapter of their lives, with the character and skills to continue their education at university, utilize their trade skill to secure a job, or both.


ABCCA has a sponsorship program which places loving people from around the world into the lives of a child in our communities.


Through our sponsorship program, you can become a world friend to a beautiful child who needs financial assistance in order to stay in school.  Your sponsorship fee of $35.00 covers the cost of tuition, meals at school, medical care, and a very small postage fee.


There are additional costs at times that you as a sponsor will be presented with for example, Some children have special needs that may require higher sponsorship fees.


When you join the sponsorship program with us, we shall share full information about the child and through the process of your sponsorship, ABCCA administration will be sharing updates to you through emails in an aim to monitor your child's progress and how your sponsorship fees are spent to exactly meet exactly the needs of your child.


Posts on all our pages, websites and through your inboxes and updates about how your sponsorship funds are distributed will be shared because every amount given is spent exactly where its purpose is.


Aim Born Champions Children Africa focuses on social transformation of deprived, excluded and vulnerable Children, Youth and their families through protection, education support, health, food and economic security interventions.

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Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7


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